
Performance Tuning Next.js

TL;DR: Next.js 9.3 introduces getStaticPaths, which allows you to generate a data-driven list of pages to render at build time, potentially allowing you to bypass server-side rendering for some use cases. You can now also use the fallback property to dynamically build pages on request, and serve the generated html instead. On a recent project we built a website for a client using a combination of Next.js and Contentful headless CMS. The goal of the website was to offer a responsive experience across all devices whilst keeping load times to a minimum and supporting SEO. I rather like Next.js –...

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Booking a Meeting Room with Alexa – Part Two – Coding the Skill

Hey there! In my previous post Booking a Meeting Room with Alexa – Part One, I talk about how to build up the Interaction Model for your Skill using the Alexa Developer Console. Now, I’ll talk about how to write code that can handle the requests. Setting Up I chose to use JavaScript to write the skill, as I wanted to try something a little different to Java which is what I normally use. Alexa has an SDK that allows you to develop Skills in a number of languages including Java and Javascript, but also C#, Python, Go and probably...

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Booking a Meeting Room with Alexa – Part One

Hey there! This is part one into my adventures of developing an Alexa skill. I was inspired recently on client site, where I saw they’d installed a shiny new room booking system. Each meeting room had a touch screen setup outside of it, and from it you could see who’d booked the room, and also use it to book the room out if it was available. It had the right idea, but from talking to people I learnt that it wasn’t the most user-friendly, and that it had cost a pretty penny too! I’d been looking for an excuse to...

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